Heal, Awaken,
& Fall in Love

With Yourself • With Pachamama • With Spirit
~ As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without ~

Your soul whispered, “It’s time,” and nudged you in this direction. Your belly hungers for more than just the daily grind. Your heart yearns to connect with that which is sublime. You seek truth, deeper meaning, and purpose. You want freedom from the past. You aspire to realize your potential. You’re tired of therapists, gurus, and organized religion. “Love-and-light’s” not your style; you see Beauty in the Wild.

Welcome, brothers and sisters. It’s time to dance, heal, and connect. And stoke that gorgeous fire within your soul.

— Allison Brunner, LCSW, Healer, Mystic, Guide

Hello, Soul Siblings!

Allow me turn your attention toward that which you’ve been missing. To the feeling that you sought in relationships that disappointed, in success that burned you out, in approval from others that left you empty, in safety that was fleeting, and in physical pleasures that kept you wanting—more and more and more.

It was never “out there, “ was it?

That’s because it is within you! But how do you access it?

Starved for love, longing for something more, trying to find purpose—that which you’ve been seeking is seeking you too. My purpose is to guide you there, to that ultimate destination, ever-present in your heart.

Join me for one-on-one shamanic energy healing, somatic psychotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique coaching, PachaMystique Dance and mediumship, workshops and classes, and local and international retreats.

Feeling Lost? Home Is Where Your Heart Is, Where Mother Earth Holds and Supports You, and Spirit
Kisses Your Crown.

Reconnect With
the Sacred

My mission is to mirror to you the Love that you are, the Spirit within you. To reconnect you with all that is sacred within and without. And to teach you how to fall madly in love as I have with the Mama Pacha and yourself—and thus with God.

Self-Love: a Path to Awakening

When I missed concerts and theatrical performances while sick with autoimmune diseases, the birds outside of my bedroom window sang to me. When my grandmother died, the creek near my place of birth held and rocked me on a fisherman’s boat as I grieved. When I fled to the tropics depleted from burnout, the sun revived my spirit and the ocean restored my body.

Pachamama, as she’s called in the Andes, or the Great Mother who comprises the cosmos and earth, has been supporting and nourishing us for our entire lives. Yet most of us rarely acknowledge her. As a result, we’re imbalanced, disconnected, and exhausted. Starved for her love, we seek it in food, relationships, careers, and material goods that leave us wanting more and more.

“But she gave you Lyme disease,” people who know my story question my devotion. A somatic psychotherapist and Master Reiki practitioner for 17 years, I understand the mind-body-spirit connection. So I explain that I was in energetic resonance with Lyme disease because of a lifelong tendency to help others in order to feel valuable. By rendering me mentally and physically incapable of resorting to old habits, Lyme pointed me to subconscious wounds and an opportunity not only to heal emotionally and spiritually but to lean into guidance and reparenting from the natural world.  (Read the full blog post.)

Nourish Your Spirit

  • Retreats

    Join me for “Mother Earth Love” in Costa Rica, for one week in late February 22 to March 1, 2025. Participate in shamanic dance, healing ceremonies, shamanic practices and ritual, sacred communion and play with the Pachamama, and more. Early Bird pricing available for a limited time!

  • PachaMystique Dance

    Engage in the Andean mystical practice of embodiment. Dance with and channel the movements of Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon, the Mother Waters, Father Wind, Father Sun, and more.

  • Events, Courses, Classes & Workshops

    Participate virtually or in person, learning how to self-heal, acquire personal empowerment, love yourself unconditionally, thrive as a a sensitive or empath, and cultivate a more intimate relationship with the Pachamama.

  • One-on-One Sessions

    Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), empaths, and old souls, engage in deip inner work through somatic psychotherapy, shamanic energy healing sessions, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) coaching. All sessions are virtual.